Home Viewings and Specialist Sculpture Installation
Amadeus Gallery offers a home viewing service, make the selection of sculptures you would like to view and we will come to your home and assist with the placing of the sculpture. This service gives you a unique opportunity try more than one sculpture at a time ensuring that your final choice fits beautifully within your home environment.
Most sculpture will have a visual presence almost anywhere in the space chosen, however nearly every sculpture has an ideal viewing height and a preferred viewing angle. To really highlight your sculpture, we will try different heights and angles by experimenting with different supports and locations within your home.
For larger sculptures within the garden we can offer the trial positioning of a light weigh working model, a much easier prospect than placing a finished bronze in an untested location. Working models are lighter than the bronze original so we can move them to various locations with ease and avoid any disruption to your garden. Fine adjustments can be made allowing the final installation to be a smooth and easy operation.
Amadeus Gallery has many years of experience in the installation of large sculptures, we can prepare the area to make your sculpture purchase safe and secure in accordance with modern insurance requirements.